Make a Payment
We can accept cash, checks, credit cards, and bank drafts (our preferred option), either for your initial webite setup fees, any ongoing monthly services, or both.
For the fees related to setting up a new website, our Terms of Services specify that we require half up front and half within five business days of completion. Once we have received the remaining balance on your setup fee, we will move your website from the staging server, and your site will go live. We will also register the site with search engines at that time.
We have several payment options available:
BANK DRAFT [Preferred]
Our preferred payment method is via bank draft. We can accept a bank draft for either initial setup fees, ongoing services, or both. We just need the signed Debit Authorization Form. Whatever amount you specify for an initial debit will typically be processed within two business days. Monthly debits come out on the fifth of each month (or the preceding business day).
CREDIT CARD (via PayPal)
PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online! CREDIT CARD PAYMENT (Via PayPal) - Another convenient payment method is to pay via PayPal. This will allow you to use any major credit card, your PayPal balance, or an e-check. To pay any amount via PayPal right now, simply click on the "Make a Payment" button and specify the amount you'd like to pay. If you'd like to pay monthly hosting fees via automatic credit card payments, please visit our Hosting page to set up your payment subscriptions. If you'd like to pay monthly marketing fees via automatic credit card payments, please visit our Monthly Marketing Plans page to set up your payment subscriptions.
MAIL A CHECK - Mailing a check is the slowest option, of course, but it is still perfectly acceptable. Please make checks out to Griffin Web Design, P.O. Box 18641, Asheville, NC 28814.
Ask about our discounts for animal rescue groups & other non-profits.
Custom web design & marketing firm, Griffin Web Design, offers a 10% discount off the website base price for every non-profit organization. Additional discounts may be available for animal rescue, animal rights, and vegan awareness and advocacy groups.
We strive to create an inclusive workplace and company culture to promote and value diversity. We are happy to partner with individuals and companies that are diverse in race, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, ethnicity, and perspective. We're working to create a fairer, more socially-inclusive world for our employees, the communities we serve, and our clients.
Prices are in US Dollars. Rates & services are subject to change. Satisfaction guaranteed. View our Terms of Service for details.